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Andy Quick Duo show Tuesday 22nd March 2023

About the artist

Andy Quick and Josie Bouchard are a a bass and acoustic guitar duo playing original indie pop tracks.

About the show

a stripped back version of the debaucherously wonderful Andy Quick band. Andy and Josie will be talking about what the next six months hold and giving you an insight into some of their new tracks as well as playing some of the classic Andy Quick tracks


Show date: Tuesday 22nd of March
Show start time: 730pm
Cost: Free (or choose a perk)

Help Andy and Josie to build the show

Hiring the studio, mixing engineers, camera crew all mounts up. We’re going to be offering some “Perks” to help raise the cash to pay the professionals working on this project.

You can watch our shows live for free just by signing up to the mailing list but if you can afford it then please help our artists to cover their studio costs (and maybe even make a little extra) by buying a Perk.

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